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Principal's Message


Our Fall Semester is underway! This semester brings renewed and new friendships for making memories for a lifetime. Take advantage of noteworthy opportunities: athletic events, tutoring, clubs, competitions, and be present this year. Not just physically present but totally engaged and mindful in all things Raider. Your school welcomes you to all we have to offer. Check out our pathways; they're not just jobs but careers. Raiders may earn a diploma, an industry certification, and an Associate's Degree! Now, THAT'S transitioning!

Participate in activities that complete your day both academically and artistically: arts and electives provide creative elements to make our days brighter and more fulfilling! Volunteer in our community - we all need a little help from time to time, right? If you're strapped for time, it only takes a minute to check on a friend or say, "Hello!" to a new one. Kindness goes a long way these days. 

Need help along the way? Whether it is a small math struggle or a major writing assignment after school tutoring is here to help! Sign-up through Google Classroom. That way, we'll have everything ready for distancing and learning. Food is available for each tutoring session. 

You are amazing! Go, do great things and show the world what you've got!


